Title: I Can Still Hear You Paring: Eunhyuk/Donghae Rating: PG Genre: AU, romance, angst Chapter: 3/5 Warnings: - Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except from the plot. Beta: plu178 Summary: Sometimes just listening with your ears isn't enough.
Title: I Can Still Hear You Paring: Eunhyuk/Donghae Rating: PG Genre: AU, romance, angst Chapter: 2/5 Warnings: - Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except from the plot. Beta: plu178 Summary: Sometimes just listening with your ears isn't enough.
Title: I Can Still Hear You Paring: Eunhyuk/Donghae Rating: PG Genre: AU, romance, angst Chapter: 1/5 Warnings: - Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except from the plot. Beta: plu178 Summary: Sometimes just listening with your ears isn't enough.
Title: A ride to Love Paring: Onew/Kibum Rating: PG Genre: Romance, humor, AU Chapter: 1/1 Warnings: - Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except from the plot. Beta: kpoppets Summary: A boy with chocolate brown hair and narrow dark eyes makes Jinki's bus ride to school a little less horrible.